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Sale Management Trust
We will manage customer's assets more transparently and safely.
The profits are large, the risks are small, and the process is fair.
What is Sale Management Trust?
In the case of constructing and selling new buildings of a certain size or larger, except for housing, in accordance with the Act
on Sale of Building Units, a trust for the purpose of protecting purchasers
It can protect the buyer by forcing the business facilitator to enter into trust contract and agency contract with the trust company in pre-sales of
certain buildings and enabling the trust company to secure the ownership of business premises and execute sales payment with the agreement
of the concerned parties of trust, hence preventing misuse of business funds
Structure of Sale Management Trust
Advantages of Sale Management Trust
Minimization of initial risk of project operator
with post-sale and secure interests of buyers
Enhance transparency and stability
in the sales process
Stability in business execution
Applicable for
Buildings subject to building permits under Article 8 of the Building Act
- Buildings to be sold, with a total floor area of 3,000㎡ or more
Buildings of the following uses and sizes determined by presidential decree
- Studio and living accommodation with more than 30 rooms
- Multi-purpose building (residential/commercial), with total floor area for
non-housing uses being 3,000㎡ or more
- Building that mandates sales after leasing and has more than 3,000㎡ of total
floor space
Housing and welfare facilities under the Housing Act
Apartment-type factories under the Industrial Cluster Development and Factory
Establishment Act
Tourist accommodation facilities under the Tourism Promotion Act
Senior citizens welfare facilities under the Welfare of Senior Citizens Act
Buildings for business purchased by public institutions under the Act on the
Management of Public Institutions
Buildings for business purchased by local public enterprises under the Local Public
Enterprises Act