About Us

Hana Asset Trust, partner for customer success

Voice of Integrity For fair and speedy resolution, various reports are received as “Voice of Integrity”.


Towards handling cases of illegal activity, improper behavior, or sexual harassment among Hana Financial Group
employees fairly and promptly, Voice of Integrity serves as a receiver of a variety of reports from employees or customers.

Reports handled by Voice of Integrity

Hana Financial Group accepts reports on any of the following activity among its employees:

  • ① Possible violation of laws or internal regulations of the Group, and unfair business activities
  • ② Sexual harassment, sexual discrimination, or non-compliance with the Group's personnel management regulations
  • ③ Illegal acts, unfair instructions, and violations of the Code of Ethics committed by a supervisor
  • ④ Cover-ups and delays in reporting incidents, or other cases suggesting an incident has occurred.
  • Reports regarding the Group's affiliates should be posted on that affiliate's website (online petitions, customer center).
  • Upon receipt of reports by an affiliate, the relevant division (Compliance department, or Examination department) of that affiliate will process them.
  • Reports should provide specific facts or circumstances. Reports unsubstantiated by facts may be considered libel or slander, and reports on an individual's personal affairs will not be processed.

How to report

Via email, regular mail or face-to-face (meeting)

  • Email address : voice2hana@hanafn.com
  • Address : Voice of Integrity, Compliance Support Team, Hana Financial Group, 66, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea (04538)

Protection of people submitting reports to the Voice of Integrity

The identity of
the report giver shall
not be revealed.
from penalties
Report givers shall
not be disadvantaged in
any way in relation to
giving a report.
Reduction of
If someone reports an
incident he/she is
responsible for,
liability shall
be reduced.
Reports that lead to
prevention of damage to
the Group or a substantial
increase in the Group's
profits shall be