About Us

Hana Asset Trust, partner for customer success

Vision and Mission All Connected in Hana Finance


  • VISION 2030

    All Connected in Hana Finance

O.N.E. value 2030

  • Our value To realize the sole value of prioritizing the customer
  • New value To offer new value through sustainable management
  • Extra value To create better value by actively responding to change


  • Closer to customers
  • One lifelong partnership
  • Next generation CIB
  • New perspectives on value
  • Cultivate investment capabilities
  • Transmit tech DNA



Hana Financial Group's Vision All Connected
through Hana Finance

Since its establishment in 1971, Hana Financial Group
has employed a variety of strategies and converted its
business model to overcome numerous market
change-induced management crises, establishing itself
as one of Korea's top three financial groups.
Towards active and effective response to rapid internal
and external changes in today's finance world, it has
formed a new vision and strategic target.

Hana Financial Group's vision means everyone is able
to take advantage of financing through a single
innovative platform and of creating new value for
finance through the strengthening of trust.

Around this vision, the three major keywords
for Hana Financial Group’s progress have been set as
Innovation, Trust, and Platform, which include the
following meanings: 1. By the Hana method;
2. Connecting space-time, future, and value; and
3. Beyond finance for all.

Through innovative business models that are
customer-centered and future-oriented, Hana Financial
Group is pursuing development not centered around
growth but around value, and is working to become the
No. 1 financial group for Korea and all of Asia,
bringing our customers, stockholders, and society
with us.

Hana Financial Group's Mission Finance for Mutual Growth
and the Sharing of Happiness

Hana Financial Group's new mission is a declaration
of its determination to actively participate in the
demands and changes of the times and fulfill its
corporate social responsibilities.

In performing activities that contribute to the
growth of all shareholders engaged in efforts to
create a better society, Hana Financial Group pursues
healthy growth  by balancing its essential growth
as a business and its social responsibilities.

Hana Financial Group will continue to carry out its
fundamental roles, share the profits from growth with
all shareholders, and create shared value through
finance as we actively participate in the pursuit of
happiness for members of society.

Convenient Easy and convenient for all
Special New, diverse, and the most customer-centered
Trustworthy Ethical, trustworthy, stable, and safe
Determined Fast and bold leader of change without fear of failure
1. ‘By the Hana method’ signifies a desire for trust and innovation, a commitment to providing easy, convenient, and new experiences to everyone, and realizing good finance in the digital era as we lead change in a fast, bold spirit of determination.
Time-space Useable anytime, anywhere by everyone
Future Current management to prepare for the future
Value Diverse ideas into ideal solutions
2. ‘Connecting space-time, future, and value’ is our pledge to create a financial platform that has evolved one step further through innovation in digital finance to provide services anywhere you are and any time you need them, as together we create a new world.
Hana Finance
A convergence eco-system connecting all shareholders and services
A world everyone needs, not just the financial services they need
3. Beyond finance for all demonstrates a promise to not just provide the financial services needed by our customers, shareholders, and society, but also to take the lead in sustainable management and the realization of social value as we grow together.

Strategic Target for Achieving the Vision (O.N.E. value 2030)

Our Value To realize the sole value of prioritizing the customer
The Most Customer-centered Group
Transformational finance through realization of customer value and customer-centered solutions encompassing non-financial services Pursuing maximization of customer experience through comprehensive understanding of needs
New value To realize the sole value of prioritizing the customer
The Most Respected Group
An ESG pioneer, not a passive follower Pursuing the happiness of customers, employees, stockholders, and society through the creation of shared value
Extra value To offer new value through sustainable management
The Most Innovative Group
Securing future capacities through active investment that transcends business boundaries Bolstering the core foundations of manpower, technology, organization, and corporate culture towards actively responding to change

Core Values POWER on Integrity

All members of Hana Financial Group are empowered with the 'Hana attitude', a strong and creative corporate
culture. The core values shared and practiced by the HFG family are our most precious intangible treasure,
which is the standard for the value judgments made and actions taken by HFG.
POWER on Integrity

The core values of Hana Financial Group are our standards of conduct and value judgment for individuals and companies that put customers first.


    as passionate as the sun Doing our best with a sense of responsibillity and pursuing a higher value through change and Innovation


    a heart as open as the sky ldentifying with and understanding people, or situations, with flexibillity and without perjudice


    the customer is king studying and satisfying customers'needs while always keeping in mind that customers come first


    professionalism that shines like the stars Developing different -lated capavilities In respective areas to gain the customers' highest level of confidence


    sincere respect and a caring heart putting oneself in other people's shoes with the basic mind-set of developing individual capabillties and eliciting mutual cooperation


integrity as steadfast as the mountains Faithfully carrying out one's duties with integrity, based on the ethics of financial professionals

Hana Network Providing professional, comprehensive asset-management services

하나금융그룹 사업 라인
  1. 1) Shareholding of PT. Next TI Indonesia : Hana TI 95.1%, Hana Capital 4.9%
  2. 2) Shareholding of PT. Sinarmas Hana Finance : Hana Capital 55%, Bank KEB Hana Indonesia 30%
  3. 3) Shareholding of Hana Microfinance Limited : Hana Capital 75%, Hana Bank 25%
The percentage is parent company's subsidiary stake. (As of 30 Sep, 2024)